
Ft Myers Family Law Attorney Speaking on Child Support – Melissa Barris


Melissa Barris – Ft Myers Attorney discussing Support.

In , both parents are obligated under the law provide child support for their minor children. Child support payments ensure the child’s basic needs are taken care of, including food, shelter and clothing. The support also assures the child obtains treatment, education, and overall, good quality of life.
The that must be paid per parent is established based upon a formula that takes into account each parent’s income, expenses per parent and as they pertain to the child. Though a parent may start off with a fixed amount of child support to be paid, that number often changes as their financial situation changes.
Though the purpose of child support is to ensure the well-being of the child or children in question, unfortunately, there are times when one parent is either forced to more than they afford, the other parent is using the funds for their own selfish gain, or the parent is accused of falsifying information regarding their income. A number of things can go wrong when determining child support payments in Florida, which is why it is imperative each parent hire an experienced family law attorney to protect their .
The Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, PA are dedicated to protecting the rights of both parents and their children when the matter of child support is at hand. Our family law attorneys in Fort Myers will handle every aspect of your case, ensuring your income documents are accurate so a favorable and fair case outcome will be attained.
Call us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options and to further understand your rights under Florida Family Law.

Child support Fort Myers

, Ft Myers Family Law Attorney Speaking on Child Support – Melissa Barris , #Myers #Family #Law #Attorney #Speaking #Child #Support #Melissa #Barris


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