
How to find the best wrongful death attorney in Phoenix- Question Answered by John Kelly


In this John Kelly provides advice on how to find the right wrongful death attorney to represent you; in the situation of a lost member. If you have additional for John you may post them to the comments section below, call his office or receive more information on our website:

Question From David:
Hello John. We have recently had a death in our family and I’ve been tasked with reaching out and finding an attorney who can represent us. I’ve seen some of your videos online and I may reach out to you, but I’d really like to know your advice on what I should be asking attorneys as I’m making some calls? Thank you.

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Phoenix, AZ 85004

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Video Transcript:
– We’re with John Kelly, John is a personal injury attorney in Phoenix, Arizona and he has agreed to answer some online questions, specifically this question was related to wrongful death. With that said, John, let’s go into the question that was asked online. This question is from David, and Davis says, “Hello, John, we have recently had a death in our family “and I’ve been tasked with reaching out and finding an “attorney who can represent us. “I’ve seen some of your videos online and I may “reach out to you, but I’d really like to know “your advice on what I should be asking attorneys “as I’m making some calls. “Thank you.”

– Thanks Ryan. is an important question, anyone that’s going through tremendous tragedy such as the loss of a loved one is feeling a tremendous amount of pressure they’re feeling emotional time and one of the last things a lot of people wanna do is reach out to an attorney at that time. But unfortunately it is an important step for people to do, there’s a lot of information that they can gather to make sure that their priorities are in order to take care of what they need to in this situation. So I have some advice on how to find it, the best injury attorney for a . In Arizona, I’ll just talk about the law, though, just briefly for him. In Arizona only certain people can bring a claim, so the surviving spouse, the surviving child, surviving parent or guardian, and then there’s personal representatives that can bring a claim, and a personal representative of estate or a personal representative of one of those other parties: the spouse, child, parents. Notably, the brothers, sisters, siblings can not bring a claim and they have two years from the date of the accident or death to bring the claim. Now, what people are looking for as far as the damages there’s a variety of things, you can get burial expenses, you can get medical bills, lost wages, there’s two different kinds of damages that can be gathered. Also, the loss of care, loss of wages, companionship. There’s just a tremendous amount of things to consider. So, the important thing is to find the right attorney to do this. So I have five things that I think are gonna be very helpful for people that are in this situation to find that attorney that’s gonna help ’em through it. First, I think people need to have a personal meeting with at least two attorneys. I think a phone conversation is good and maybe call several attorneys, but actually to sit with your favorite two, and go to their office, meet their staff, meet the people involved and have a face to face conversation with them, I think that’s very important. Maybe before that would be review their experience the second thing there is to look at what their experience is, look at what other people have said about them online if you have anyone that knows them ask about them.

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